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Brief Biography


Yemin Oh is a composer who is always seeking new methodology to synthesize his aesthetic vision and new technology. His interests lie in several areas including acoustic music, network music, audiovisual, multichannel spatialization and interactive media work. Recently his pieces incorporate his musical aesthetic aim into blending visual elements, and live electronics. He graduated Louisiana State University for Ph.D in Experimental Music & Digital Media. He graduated Kyunghee University and University of Hartford in music composition, and Georgia Southern University in music technology. His papers and music have been selected and invited to present at several peer-reviewed national or international festivals and conferences, including EMM 2012 2013, N_SEME 2013 2014, SEAMUS 2010 2011, NIME 2013 2014 2015 2017, NYCEMF 2014 2017, and ICMC 2013 2015.



작곡가 오예민은 항상 새로운 예술적 표현을 위하여 다양한 접근법을 연구를 하는 작곡가이다. 그의 음악은 테입음악 에서부터 라이브 전자음악, 오디오 비주얼 음악, 센서 및 모바일을 이용한 음악등 다양하다. 경희대학교 작곡과를 졸업한 그는 학부 졸업 이후 미국 University of Hartford 에서 대학원에서 작곡으로 GPD 과정을 수료하고, Georgia Southern University 에서 Carol A. Carter 장학금을 받으며 Music Technology 석사를 졸업하였고 미국 음악명예 협회의 회원으로 추대되기도 하였다. Experimental Music & Digital Media, Ph.D 로 Louisiana State University 에서 졸업하였으며, 박사과정중 Graduate Teaching Assistant 및 Research Assistant 로 EMDM Academy in LSU 에서 강의와 여러 프로젝트에 참여하였다. 참여한 프로젝트로는 Nexus: Web-based UI Development (웹 베이스 유저 인터페이스 개발) 및 Software development for iCAST system( iCAST 시스템을 위한 소프트웨어 개발), Development of 6Channel Hemi-sphere Speaker( 6채널 헤미 스피커 개발) 등에 참여하였고, 논문발표로는 NIME 2013, NIME 2014, SICMF-KEAMSAC 2014 등에서 논문 발표를 하였다. 그 밖에 작곡가로서 여러곳에서 작곡 위촉, 선정 발표를 하였는데, 발표된 학회/페스티발로는, SEAMUS 2010, SEAMUS 2011, Electric LaTex 2010, Electric LaTex 2011, Electric LaTex 2012, ICMC 2013 2015, NIME 2013 2014 2017, NYCEMF 2014 2017, N_SEME 2013, N_SEME 2014, Root Signal Electronic Music Festival 2014, EMM 2012, EMM 2013, Electro-Acoustic Barn Dance 2013. Channel Noise 2011, STUDIO 300 Music and arts Festival 2013 그 밖에 다수.


Yemin Oh is a composer who is always seeking new methodology to synthesize his aesthetic vision and new technology. His interests lie in several areas including acoustic music, network music, audiovisual, multichannel spatialization and interactive media work. Recently his pieces incorporate his musical aesthetic aim into blending visual elements, and live electronics. He graduated Louisiana State University for Ph.D in Experimental Music & Digital Media. He graduated Kyunghee University and University of Hartford in music composition, and Georgia Southern University in music technology. His papers and music have been selected and invited to present at several peer-reviewed national or international festivals and conferences, including EMM 2012 2013, N_SEME 2013 2014, SEAMUS 2010 2011, NIME 2013 2014 2015 2017, NYCEMF 2014 2017, and ICMC 2013 2015.


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